Friday, March 30, 2012

Media Example #14

Here is Charlie's example.

And here is what he had to say about it:

", a sports blog, has a running gag they call "Does this look like the face of..." which has been giving be a kick for a while now. Every day the writers post a mugshot or picture of some sort of someone who did something extremely obscure and then post "Does this look like the face of..." which is followed by whatever unusual act the person did. The writers post the original story of whatever the perpetrator did and then write there own spin off the story in a humorous tone. The stories get laughs from the average reader because it brings light to small unusual incidents that are not important enough to make mainstream. The writers of this blog have a very dry, sarcastic sense of humor that is mainly appealing to men, however I have met several girls that enjoy the blog as well. The blogs are based in three of the biggest cities on the east coast, New York, Boston and Philadelphia. While the blog was traditionally made for sports exclusively, the writers soon began to post on all current events instead of just sports in order to attract a larger and more diverse fan base."

Media Example #13

Here is Joey's example.

Huffington Post