Monday, January 30, 2012

Media Example #3- Week of 1/30

This is the link to Julia's media example.

And this is what she had to say about it:

"For my media example, I'm choosing to share with you all a video style article instead of a traditional written one. This video comes from the New York Times online version's style section. Each week, Bill Cunningham, a noted reporter and photo journalist for the NYT goes out on the street and takes pictures of all the different looks he sees. After doing all that research, he then goes back through it and tries to spot a significant trend among all of them. He has an amazing eye and was the pioneer to "street fashion" and served as inspiration to many other blogs such as The Sartorialist. I love how he makes video slideshows of all his looks; it's so much easier to view and understand rather than reading about all the boots and skinny jeans he was seeing. When you're able to view it in the video format, you can really see how one look can be worn on so many different types of people in so many different ways. Hope you enjoy it!"

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Media Example #2- Week of 1/23

Here is an article from Sophia.

And here is what she had to say about it:

"Since I went away to boarding school in high school I’ve read the Indy Star almost every day. Indiana may seem like an open space of nothing, but once a Hoosier always a Hoosier. The Super Bowl coming to Indianapolis is one of the biggest events that I can remember ever gracing our town, besides the Final Four tournament that has often occurred in Indianapolis. So when I heard that the 2012 Super Bowl was going to take place in the Lucas Oil Stadium I almost peed my pants and so did every other Colts fan, we had so much hope to be the first team to go to a Super Bowl until...this summer when Peyton Manning’s surgeries failed and nine other Colt’s starters were dropping like flies and it became clear that the Colts would not make it. That is when every Colts fan knew that the next best thing was to NOT see Tom Brady win his fourth Super Bowl ring on Peyton’s turf. This article perfectly describes every Indiana resident who is a lover of the Colts and I will be sending it to my old high school science teacher, a lover of the Patriots. "

Monday, January 23, 2012

Media Example #1- Week of 1/23

This example comes to us from Lia Alberti.

Here is what she has to say:
"For years I have religiously read the magazine, Glamour, which I find an incredibly empowering magazine for young women. It is always full of Horatio Alger stories of charismatic women as well as useful, practical advice to live by. One of the advice columnists I have come to love is a man who writes anonymously under the penname “Jake” who “tells is like it is” from a males perspective on dating. Every few years the writer “Jake” will be replaced by another anonymous man who will follow in his advice giving footsteps. There was one specific Jake writer that I had liked specifically and he wrote this article of his learned lessons as a writer of love. I like his conversationalist-type writing and how honest and relatable he is able to portray himself. This link goes to his final article that he wrote for Glamour before he was replaced. I had followed his articles and had read about all his past girlfriends up until he found “the one”, a woman he calls Strawberry (because of the lip-gloss she wore on their first date), so to see him leave was a sad moment for me but I am happy to see he leaves the magazine in high spirits and in deep love."

Welcome Students

Here are the links to each student's blog. I will continue to update this page as I receive URLs.