Monday, February 27, 2012

Media Example #11- Week of 2/27

Here is Lindsay's example:

And here is what she had to say about it:

I first saw this article on facebook via the Washington Post application. I think this is one of the greatest things that has happened to facebook in a while. It is a content reminder to read news stories and see what is going on in the world. Because lets face it, I know I am not going to go straight to MSNBC when I get on my computer and sit there and read news stories. A majority of us get directly on our computer and go straight to facebook. It is a habit. So whoever came up with this Washington Post social reader is a genius in my mind.

So I saw that a couple of my friends had read this article and I found it very interesting. Being from New Orleans and just getting back from Mardi Gras last week I found it to be very appropriate. I have also never seen an article like this stating the facts about what Mardi Gras is really like. There are some misconceptions about this holiday and this really points them out. Starting with the first misconception, which is the biggest. The French Quarter during Mardi Gras is full of tourists flashing in order to get beads. This only happens in the French Quarter. Mardi Gras is a very family oriented holiday for the people from New Orleans. It also gives an insight into the culture of what New Orleans is like during Mardi Gras. This includes Mardi Gras balls which are very important and occur every weekend leading up to Mardi Gras. These balls are a very historical tradition. This article really sets the record straight in terms of what Mardi Gras is really like and the story behind it.

Also, if you have never been to New Orleans, I would highly suggest to go during Mardi Gras. The people and the atmosphere are great and it is one of the happiest times of year down there. Plus you can walk around outside with any alcoholic beverage and its not a problem. Who doesn’t love that?

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