Thursday, February 2, 2012

Media Example #4- Week of 1/30

This is the link to Lauren's example.

And this is what she has to say about it:

" This is a post from Hyperbole and a Half. It discusses the writer, Ally’s annoyance with grammar mistakes. Especially “a lot.” Although it’s older I love it because I run into this all the time when reading other people’s writing- especially a certain professor of mine who has the worst grammar and spelling I have ever seen. (Not you, Kerry!) It makes me want to scream to the heavens that it is indeed two words, because it is “A” “lot” of something. Similar to “a bunch” or “a dozen.” How many is a lot? I don’t know. But it’s a lot. I don’t see abunch or adozen, so people’s desire to make a lot one word is perplexing at best. Plus the humor behind the post and the good intentions help to teach its lessons. (I do not recommend reading it in class.) I think if people taught lessons as funny as this there would be a lot fewer grammar mistakes. The use of pictures and how relatable it is what I really liked about the blog post. Plus it’s laugh out loud funny."

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