Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Media Example #6- Week of 2/6

Here is Kimberlee's media example.

And here is what she had to say about it:
"Well, first of all, hellogiggles.com is an awesome site. Despite the whimsical name and typeface, it's actually a blog very rich in writerly skill and intelligent subject matter - everything from nail polish to politics. It was founded by Zooey Deschanel and a couple of her friends, but they allow a lot of public contribution which is very endearing. Every day there is an 'Illustrated Tweet of the Day.' Even though I don't tweet (..much), I still think Twitter has done something pretty important for the online world. Here we see (predominantly) well-written daily doses of humanity - be it notions of joy, sadness, humour, cynicism, or hunger, Twitter provides an outlet for people to bond over the mundane and deliberate nature of daily life. Does the internet (personified) care if you drink too much coffee? No. But can it make you feel connected and honest to broadcast such information? Yes. Also, the pictures are fun to look at."

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