Monday, February 13, 2012

Media Example #7- Week of 2/13

Here is the example from Grace:


And here is what she had to say about it:

"I don’t know about you guys, but I am unfalteringly lazy when it comes to cleaning and organizing. Before I lived alone it was not a big issue- I had 3 roommates and we altered the cleaning schedules, so all I really needed to do regularly was my tiny bedroom. Now that I live alone in a fairly large 1-bedroom apartment, I need the motivation to get cleaning every now and then. This blog is the perfect solution- it is hilarious, vulgar, and chock full of pictures and funny gifs that make the task at hand a lot less daunting. It has a simple and easy to follow layout and isn’t cluttered with obnoxious fonts or distracting colors or ads. This site is full of before/afters, challenges, tips for cleaning and organizing your mess, and the “lazy way” to make your place go from hot a** mess to looking brand spankin’ new. Also, this blog really makes you realize that you are not as filthy as you think you are…some of these apartments look like they are straight out of a Hoarders episode. Anyways, if you are needing that extra push and inspiration to go ahead and tackle your junky or dirty spaces, from desks to tea stashes to spice racks and closets, this blog is just for you. Now get to cleaning!"

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