Monday, February 27, 2012

Media Example #12- Week of 2/27

Here is Annabelle's example.

And here is what she has to say about it:

"I first came across this article on Valentines Day, a friend of mine had posted it on Facebook and when I saw that a Bermudian icon was being written about on the Huffington Post website I quickly went to the link.

Johnny Barnes has been standing on East Broadway in the City of Hamilton, Bermuda for 28 years. He started out working on the railroad that went through that part of the island and noticed that the people going into work in the morning looked miserable. Johnny decided that everyone could use some cheering up, so he started waving and telling people that he loved them as they passed. Soon Johnny Barnes’ positive attitude was embraced and he became a local celebrity. I can remember sitting in the back seat of my car on the way to primary school waving like mad until he saw me. Sometimes if the traffic into town was at a standstill my sister and I would stretch our hands out the window and give him a hug. In any other part of the world a man standing on the side of the road, waving to people in their cars would be written off as a bum asking for money, but all Johnny wants is a smile. He is there everyday, rain or shine, doing what he loves to do.

At first I was just excited to see that an audience larger than the population of Bermuda could see what an amazing man he is, but as I read this short post on the Huffington Post I realized that the message was a lot bigger than Johnny Barnes being an inspiration. It is about finding what makes you happy and enjoying what you do everyday.

I would highly recommend watching the video at the bottom of the article, but understand that it is long."

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