Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Media Example #9- Week of 2/20

Here is Annie Rose's example:

And here is what she had to say about it.

This article from, explores HBO's series Six Feet Under. As I read it, I had to hold my breath in fear that it would be another article bashing the five season series. Instead, to my surprise this article praises the series for what it was truly worth. I recently watched Six Feet Under from season one to season five in about two months, and I can confidently say it changed my view of life and death. If you have not watched the series, I highly recommend it. The quirky Fisher family, who owns a funeral home, will quickly find their way into your heart or maybe just your head. The series was based on the idea that life happens and then we die, so as Ceasar would say, "Carpe Diem." This series touched on some controversial topics including abortion and Gay rights, in that real and relatible way that HBO series usually do. It was edgy and pushed the limits to make the audience at times fairly uncomfortable. After all was said and done, (and watched), I had a new outlook on death and dying and grieving. Sounds like a lot to get out of a TV show but, I found a connection with the characters and with the emotions that overtook them. I hope this inspires more people to watch the series.

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